domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Até americano...

"When workers are paid more, they tend to work harder, and quit less readily." in THE CASE FOR A HIGHER MINIMUM WAGE, John Cassidy, The New Yorker.

"For almost three years now, since the election of a Conservative-Liberal coalition, the British government has been slashing government programs and raising taxes, supposedly to reduce a big budget deficit. As I’ve written previously, the results have been pretty disastrous—both for ordinary Britons and for the public finances." in U.K. LESSONS: AUSTERITY LEADS TO MORE DEBT, John Cassidy, The New Yorker.

Até americano entende... e não traduzo para não lhe tirar o gosto da proveniência. Fica a pergunta: se até americano, essa gente que tem as costas largas para desculpar os abusos dos interesses, entende porque é que os governantes portugueses fazem de conta que não percebem.

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